The application of scientific names to plants in cultivation: Salix vitellina L. and related taxa (Salicaceae)

Irina V. Belyaeva, Olga V. Epantchintseva, Rafaël H.A. Govaerts, Kevin McGinn, John Hunnex and Yulia A. Kuzovkina

The nomenclature and taxonomy of the taxa related to S. vitellina> L. are clarified. Two new combinations, Salix × fragilis L. f. vitellina (L.) I.V.Belyaeva and S. × pendulina f. salamonii (Carrière) I.V.Belyaeva, are made and one new form, S. × pendulina f. erythroflexuosa I.V.Belyaeva, is described. Twenty-seven names are synonymised to the three accepted names including seven as new synonyms. Eleven new typifications are made. Fifty-one existing cultivars are assigned to the three taxa accepted by the authors and brief descriptions of them are provided.
Skvortsovia: 4(2): 42 – 70 (published on line 11 September 2018)