The application of scientific names to plants: Salix alba L. f. tristis Gaudin and related taxa (Salicaceae)

Irina V. Belyaeva, Olga Epanchintseva, Kevin McGinn and Rafaël H.A. Govaerts

The use of ranks of infraspecific names in Salix L. published by Gaudin in Flora Helvetica (1830) is reconsidered and the identity, nomenclature and taxonomy of Salix alba L. f. tristis Gaudin and related taxa are clarified. A new combination, S. × pendulina nothof. tristis is made which is established as the correct name with new synonyms. The epitype for S. × pendulina nothof. tristis is designated.
Skvortsovia: 7(3): 15 – 23 (published on line 31 August 2021)