The A.G. Henckel Botanical Garden of Perm State National Research University is a major
scientific, educational and cultural center of the Western Urals. Renowned for its traditions,
the Botanical Garden possesses rich collections of wild and cultivated plants, many of them
ornamental. This collection comprises ca. 9500 taxa. Many plants have been cultivated in open
ground and in greenhouses bloom profusely and produce seeds. The harvest of 2022 is a special
one because it is 100 years ago that the A.G. Henckel Botanical Garden was founded. The
Index Seminum contains a list of the plants that produce seeds and spores which are available
for exchange with other botanical gardens and botanical institutions. These seeds and spores
were harvested during the 2020-2022 seasons.
9(2): 1 – 115 (published on line 28 December 2023)